What can companies and public institutions do to prevent the spread of COVID19? - part I
We are living a new reality. One in which wearing a mask is mandatory whether we are on the street, in the hypermarket or at the office, where social distancing is on everyone's lips and the constant disinfection of all the objects we interact with should be the rule. We need to adapt to new rules and change our habits and behavior in almost every aspect of our lives.
This new reality has a considerable impact on all companies and public institutions that are concerned with identifying the right solutions for preventing the spread of coronavirus in their offices and spaces.
Eutron offers a wide range of solutions dedicated to preventing the spread of COVID 19, divided into 3 directions: measurement and verification of body temperature, disinfection of indoor spaces, objects or clothing and accessories and determination of real-time occupancy of spaces for ensure that distances are maintained between people.
But the specific needs differ from case to case, depending on each organization.
Measurement and Verification of Body Body Temperature
We are already used to having our temperature scanned at the entrance of commercial spaces or public institutions. But depending on the situation, the temperature measurements can be done with the help of different equipment: fixed or mobile, which require or do not require the human element, with facial recognition, with mask presence recognition, etc. Of course, all this equipment allows the identification of people who have a temperature above a predetermined threshold, thus allowing the prevention of Covid-19 transmission, in the case of potentially infected people.
For areas with large flows of people, Eutron recommends the use of the Thermometricon system which uses precision IR sensors in 32 points and which can be mounted on the side of any access door or path or on a gate-type support, with the delimitation of the access route. Thus, there is no need to use an employee to monitor or measure temperature manually.
Also for large traffic areas, you can count on the Hikvision fixed video system consisting of temperature sensors and video sensors, black body and NVR, which displays images in real time on the display, with the possibility of face-recognition.
When it comes to fixed equipment dedicated to medium traffic, Eutron offers two solutions: AT310 and GQ-1081.
The AT310 uses infrared sensors, allowing the measurement and verification of temperature in less than 1 second for a person, with an accuracy of ± 0.3°C. The solution can be connected to an existing access control system or to a video surveillance system, allowing both the temperature to be recorded and the person checked. It can also be connected to an automatic gate, and if the measured temperature is outside the preset range it will not open the gate, not allowing access to the person inside.
In addition to temperature measurement, the GQ-1081 system is equipped with an industry-class binocular camera, live face recognition technology and an infrared thermal imaging module to support face identification as well as the presence of the mask. It can interface with various peripherals, such as ID card readers, fingerprint readers, etc., which can be attached to the access control systems and the timekeeping system to achieve a secure and efficient access control for staff / visitors, being ideal for office buildings, schools, hotels, museums or other public places.
In terms of mobile devices, Eutron offers companies and public institutions two options: the Thermoscanner, a practical and economical portable temperature measurement and verification tool and the K3 device that uses IR scanning, can be used both portable and equipped with battery power as well as fixed on the wall or in its support.